Brody Galletti

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The best things in life are free, sunshine, fresh air, the ocean, sleep, being in nature, fasting, being alive and we sometimes forget this. We are so caught up in the chase for the lives we want we forget to take a few moments to stop to see what we have in front of us.

There have never been more couch potatoes than in the modern world, it was invented due to our modern ways of living and there have never been more obese people in the world, you see more of them than healthy-looking people… mmmmm… there is no such thing as coincidence.

People would rather sit on the couch, scroll social media, watch Netflix, overstimulate their brains and understimulate their bodies, causing a disconnect. A brain-body disconnect which has serious downward effects on our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health.

Ryan Holiday said, “I’m not saying that every single problem in your life can be solved by going for a walk. I'm just saying there's almost no problem in your life that can be made worse by going for a walk.”

That’s beautiful. And that is true. No problem is made worse by going for a walk.

Walking is not just walking. It is one of the greatest things we can do for our body and our minds which cause The Brain Body Contact. Walking provides a time for meditation, reflection and reverence.

We all know the physical benefits, we don’t need to get into that, that has been written on enough. I’m talking about walking for our soul. The spiritual benefits you get from taking a walk are some of the highest you can achieve, and you don’t have to do a lot. You simply have to put on some shoes or sandals and head out the door.

Walking is best done without any form of device but if you do, listen to some high-vibration audio and that will refresh your energy and bring you a sense of peace and presence. 

We should take wandering outdoor walks, so the mind might be nourished and refreshed by the open air and deep breathing. – Seneca

Seneca said this over 2,000 years ago… 2,000! And it still holds, maybe even more true today. With the rise of technology, while it holds many benefits to our lives, it’s not perfect, nothing is. People who work remotely or from home can get consumed by the computer, talking to people on zoom all day, staying indoors and when work is over go over to the couch and on the phone.

No, get outside! Get in the fresh air, move your body = moving your mind, getting the wheels turning. A body in motion holds a strong mind. 

If people discovered The Importance of walking over 2,000 years ago and most likely even long before that, don’t you think it’s ever more important now?

Like sleep, our bodies need to walk. We are made for the outdoors, we hunted and gathered living in little villages and tribes setting up camp which was outdoors for over 10,000 years as a species. 

It’s no surprise when you take a walk outside, get some sunlight, fresh air and feel the grass beneath your feet that you feel less stressed, more relaxed, energised, calm and more peaceful.

We were made for walking. Walking cleanses the soul and the mind and activates the body.

Put one foot in front of the other, right foot, left foot… it’s called walking.

Go for a walk.

Until next time,



All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking. — Nietzsche