
Everyone wants to be around the funny guy, they can’t get enough of them. They are infectious, they keep dishing out their rizz that makes us laugh endlessly. They are magnetic and you don’t want to be pulled too far away from them. 

We are all attracted to this type of person, we want to be around them, their energy is pleasant, it’s charming, and simply… too much fun. 


Because they keep us on our toes, on the edge of our seat, we don’t know what is coming next and we’re hanging on their every word and next move. They have us in the palm of their hand. The vibe of the person is relaxed and not taking themselves too seriously. 

That’s just it! Not too seriously, the secret ingredient that is not so secret which we tend to forget to add to our lives more. 

The world has gotten so serious, too serious maybe. People… especially nowadays want to be around people who bring excitement and a spark of joy into their lives. That’s why being witty has such a social advantage. 

Being witty gives you a higher status without using ‘ tactics’ to outpower people playing different social dynamics. Instead, people want to come to you and be around you because you’re being you. They can feel it, they can sense it. It’s like they’ve known you for a lot longer, a friend you haven’t seen for 5+ years. 

A witty person has the perfect ice breakers, that hint of tension in the air when you first meet someone, they break it effortlessly. They can easily start a conversation and roll into another topic if they so choose to while making you laugh, keeping the atmosphere feeling fresh and vibrant even though you have been talking to them for some time.

Being witty also gives the other person a sense of safety and belongingness, you’re a part of something.

The wittiest people make external jokes about the world and the internal self-derogatory jokes which pleasantly surprise people.

They’re not concerned with how people view them or see them, they are detached from that which makes their humour land so well, it’s delivered with a certain conviction and we can feel it. They just want to make people laugh, smile and crackle and have a wonderful time.

Oh… and they’re super quick as well.

They can roll with the conversation and come up with witty remarks on the fly, kind of leaving you wondering “How do they do it?”, which can make them so attractive, they bring up this sense of mystery and then you’re left wanting more.

More wit in our lives makes everything lighter, more fun and relaxing, and who doesn't want that?

It’s no surprise comedians or really funny people have attractive partners, making someone laugh goes a long way. 

It opens many doors.

How much better would your life be if you were a little bit more witty? 

Until next time,


Brody Galletti

I started this blog to share my love of self education and continious evolving. As they say “write the book you want to read, make the movie you want to watch.” I’m writing the blog posts that I want to see that other blogs are not writing about.

I’m also here to share my love of life, learning, adversity, how to be self-critical and self-aware, humility, philosophy, reading and how to become a better human being and artist.

There will be a special focus for young men and men’s mental health. How to be a man, how to navigate the world as a man how to become a better man and how to best serve yourself and others. That’s what were here for. For each other.



