Brody Galletti

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If it’s meant to be, it’ll be.

I feel like we say this some(most)times when we’re too afraid to make a committed decision. We're stressed and anxious when we are in two states of mind. We’re afraid we will make the ‘wrong’ decision. So we don’t make a decision at all, give up control and just let whatever happens happen, when we could have done something. Then we are left heartbroken.

I don’t really like this saying. It feels like someone’s just settled for what’s in front of them instead of following through with something and getting what they want. Yes, we don’t control everything and we are meant to ride the river of life. But when you’re going down that river on your canoe of choices, you’re steering yourself in the right direction, to avoid crashing as best as you can so you can have the smoothest ride. You don’t just stop taking control of your canoe and hoping you don’t crash into a pile of rocks and say before “if it’s meant to be, it’ll be.” 

“If it’s meant to be, it’ll be,” especially comes up in the dating world. When we don’t want to tell that person that we’re not interested in them at all and afraid we will hurt their feelings, so we just ghost them. A lot of the time we let things fade out instead of facing the music. Sometimes, letting things fade out on their own it’s what’s best, that’s not what I’m arguing. 

What I’m arguing is people hiding behind this “if it’s meant to be, it’ll be,” mentality so they don’t have to make any of the hard decisions in life. The quality of your life comes from the hard decisions you decide to front up to and face. It makes life better, it’s hard, sometimes painful in the moment, but it pays dividends in the long run. That person who thought you had feelings for but don’t, the one that’s head over heels for you may hate you when you tell them you don’t feel the same way. 

But later they will come to appreciate your honesty and integrity, that you may have ruined their whole day, but you didn’t drag it out and potentially ruin their whole life. 

There are a lot of things we don’t control, and there are a lot of things we do control, and we should take full control of what is in our control and not leave everything to fate. Leave what’s out of control to fate. 

Life is a choice. Make the necessary choices.

“Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life.” ― Jerzy Gregorek

Until next time,



“Basically, love isn’t this out of control thing to be left to fate. That’s why I detest sayings like “it it’s meant to be, it’ll be”. Um, no, it will be, if two people came the choices necessary for it to be.” - Lana Blakey