Don’t overlook people because of how they look

We’ve all done it. You’re as guilty as me. We have all been standoffish towards people whom we don’t find pleasant to look at. Not interested to talk to them or hear what they have to say. Never judge a book by its cover. But we do, a lot… it’s human to judge. You can’t go through life not judging.

But where have these choices gotten us? We’ve potentially said no to new friendships, relationships, useful contact for the future, and a potential business venture. Closing yourself off from what could have been. Instead, we like to go talk to the people who are nice to look at and soon find out that they’re as thick as two short planks. 

There is no correlation between looks and intelligence. You can blame Hollywood movies for that stereotype. But how would your life look if you opened yourself up to talking to more people and finding out who they are? Instead of judging them based on what the genetic lottery has provided them. 

Sometimes it’s the people we overlook the most that later we end up needing the most. 

Until next time,


Brody Galletti

I started this blog to share my love of self education and continious evolving. As they say “write the book you want to read, make the movie you want to watch.” I’m writing the blog posts that I want to see that other blogs are not writing about.

I’m also here to share my love of life, learning, adversity, how to be self-critical and self-aware, humility, philosophy, reading and how to become a better human being and artist.

There will be a special focus for young men and men’s mental health. How to be a man, how to navigate the world as a man how to become a better man and how to best serve yourself and others. That’s what were here for. For each other.

Spend your time working on your inward character


We can’t start over, only continue