Brody Galletti

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The 21st Century Gold Rush

Not long ago, we only had books as our source of premium information. There was a point where we had to spend hundreds of dollars to get certain books for the specific knowledge we needed. And now for over a decade that’s been made redundant, possibly forever. 

The Internet, “the greatest web of knowledge ever created completely interconnected.”Naval Ravikant

If you want to learn anything… it’s on there to learn. Harvard lectures, coding classes, cooking tutorials all over YouTube and my personal favourite entertainment, PewDiePie and quick scope compilations. That’s taking me back to my childhood.  

We’ve all heard of assets like stocks, buying a house, an investment property, and maybe even having a stake in a business. These are all assets that existed before the internet and now look what it’s created, digital assets. No, I’m not touching on NFTs, yet, that’s another discussion.

In the book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, assets and liabilities are defined in the simplest coherent way I’ve ever heard. 

Assets put money into your pocket. Liabilities take money out of your pocket. So simple you could explain that to a child and they would understand. 

The world has changed; fewer people are going to college now, and pursuing a career on the internet. Starting a YouTube channel, writing a blog, starting a podcast series or creating online courses that hold value to a niche market. It’s never been easier to make money and the internet comes with another tool, free marketing!

While you build your product you can also start selling it at the same time, maybe, if you’re clever, let the community in on the process and sell that to them as well. It's infinite opportunities, having potentially billions of people you can expose your work. Gone are the days of making a product, spending millions on testing testing testing and then sending it out to the public to hopefully make a profit and see if it will catch on with culture. 

And if your online adventure fails, you can always start over and refine it in an instant. Never has it been easier to work for yourself and get the freedom and autonomy you want over your life. 

Newspapers ---------- > Newsletters

Education ------------ > E-learning 

Blockbuster ---------- > Streaming Services

If there was ever a 21st Century Gold Rush, making money online would be it. 

You can figure out a way to make it happen for yourself. I believe in you.

Until next time,
