Brody Galletti

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We’re Thinking About The Wrong First Impression

We dress to impress, we’ve got the perfectly tailored piece of clothing on, “Damn I’m an attractive fuck!” you say to yourself in the mirror, you’ve never had this much certainty and conviction in your life. It fits you to a tee, you look sharp, elegant, commanding, and powerful. Nothing can stay in your way tonight. Once you enter the room all eyes should be on you, surely. 

How can they not be, you’ve never looked this good, you’ve never radiated this amount of magnetic energy, it’s in the bag. When you enter that party and you start making yourself noticeable in the room and people will just come to you, they’ll be drawn. 

And to top it off some masculine Tom Ford cologne, now it’s a sure thing.

You come home from the party angry, “Fuck!!!… what was I missing tonight??? Everything was in place, it was perfect. What went wrong, I didn’t have bad breath or anything stuck in my teeth… I checked!”

You go in the shower to wash off the night, letting the warm water wash away your rambling thoughts and you begin to be in a meditative state. “What did I do tonight or what didn’t I do? Why weren’t people coming to me as much as I thought? And why were people crowding around that fat guy with the booming voice on the couch, he’s so fat he couldn’t get up. Yes, he had a nice magnetic voice but that’s all he had.”

You lift your face as if you’ve seen a ghost, “Oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” Now you realise that your physical appearance only got you so far. You realise you had an amazing physical first impression and people were complimenting you but you couldn’t hold their attention no more than two to three minutes at most. You did not have a strong vocal impression.

The fat man told a thirty-minute story and everyone was hanging onto his every word, even you.  

We sometimes wonder why ‘unattractive’ (by society's standards) people sometimes end up grasping more attention than presumably attractive people. We wonder what they have because it’s not ‘looks’. 

99% of us only focus on our physical appearance and never once think about our vocal appearance. What do I mean by that?

We have two images

  1. Visual Image - Body Language and What We Wear 

  2. Vocal Image - When you speak (Rate of Speech, Volume, Pitch and Melody, Tonality & Pauses)

Our visual image causes people to make assumptions about us.

Our VOCAL image causes people to make beliefs about us.

Why was The Fat Man who was seemingly hideous compared to you able to capture the attention of everyone in the party, even the band, make the whole room silent and all eyes on him… his vocal image was one of mastery. Later we find out this man is one of the top communications experts in THE WORLD.

He has mastered his vocal image, he can capture attention in seconds just by speaking. And he has been working on his vocal image for ten-plus years. That is how he was able to do what he did at that party.

Imagine if you took the time to work on your vocal image, to be in control of the beliefs people think about you when they first start speaking to you. You become…

More influential

More persuasive 

More authoritative 

More charismatic

Imagine the power you would be able to accumulate when it comes to taking control of your life and getting what you want… the opportunities would be endless. Especially when you have mastered your visual image as well. 

What would happen if you spent just ten minutes a day crafting your vocal image and working on it? How would your life change?

Become the 1%.

Until next time,
