Brody Galletti

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The Foundation of Everything

We are nothing without our physical health. No matter what we want to do, where we want to go, who we want to see. If our physical health isn’t there. We have nothing, we are nothing.

A week and a half ago I recently got over a suspected E. coli infection swimming in dirty waters. I didn’t know the waters had bacteria, still my fault. Safe to say I’ll never go swimming in those areas again. It was one of the worst sick periods I’ve ever had in my life. I’ve never wanted my full health to be back to normal so much in my life. It was agony, it was painful. I’ve definitely learnt my lesson.

That’s what inspired this post this week.

While I was sick I swore to never take my health for granted again. I take my health very seriously, as all of us should, but being this sick made me realise how fragile we are as humans. Some tiny bacteria can knock us out for weeks, potentially months, or even kill us!

It doesn’t take much for our bodies to get harmed, eat the tiniest bit of raw chicken and you’ve got salmonella and it’s the worst experience you can go through. 

A lot of us think we are invincible until something minor happens that causes a major change in our lives. Then we realise we are just a bag of meat in a skin suit, floating around on a planet in space (I had a lot of time for my mind to wander). 

Being sick can also be freeing as well. All those petty worries about day-to-day life. Gone! In an instant. They cease to exist. You can’t help but let them go, they’re pointless and energy suckers. You organically find out what really matters and what doesn’t at all. So there are some upsides to getting sick from time to time. 

It’s a refresher for the mind that life is fragile, we are fragile. Mother Nature is brutal, she can take anyone at any moment with no mercy and no hint of empathy. Mother Nature doesn’t care about you and she never will.

That’s why it is up to you, it’s your responsibility to take care of yourself as best you can. No excuses. When you work on your health, it works back for you. 

When we are healthy, we have unlimited desires. Desires that can take control of us. Wanting to be rich, liked and admired, an influencer, celebrity, famous, have a mansion with sports cars. Change the world, save the world and on and on. 

And when you are sick what do you want? To get better. 

Our health is the foundation of everything. We have nothing without it. Don’t take it for granted. 

Health is wealth? No. Health is priceless.

“A healthy man wants a thousand things, a sick man only wants one.” - Confucius

Until next time,
