
What is Risk? Really, where did this type of thinking come from? That’s all it is… thinking.

What if I told you that it's not a risk? Nothing is a risk. Are you open to that perspective?

Risk is just a state of mind. If you go looking for it you will most definitely find it.

Risk is: “The possibility of something bad happening. Risk involves uncertainty about the effects/implications of an activity with respect to something that humans value (such as health, well-being, wealth, property or the environment), often focusing on negative, undesirable consequences."

What is bad and what is good? That’s subjective.

Therefore risk is subjective, it all depends on how we create our reality.

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" - William Shakespeare, Hamlet. Act II, Scene 2

The more we think the more we conjure up risk in our mind and never act. Never acting leads to nothing ever changing.

Nothing ever changing leads to expecting different results doing the same thing, which is the definition of insanity.

Do you want to be insane?

We think risks into existence so unnecessarily which creates mental blockages that stop us from unlocking our true potential. It’s a mind virus. It turns into a spiral and then eventually… 2 days 2 weeks 2 months 2 years 2 decades go by and what happens?

We are the same person we were before, in the same place, doing the same thing. That seed we planted… it’s still a seed. You thought it was too risky to grow and now look at the other seeds (people) around you. They’ve grown into great big gigantic trees while you haven’t even come out of the ground. You’re still hiding down below. And it’s been 20+ years.

How long are you going to wait to demand the best for and of yourself? When are you going to stop waiting? Because time is our most precious resource. Once it’s gone you can never get it back.

Waiting is costing you… more than a house, a car, a first-class ticket around the world ever will.

Risk is all in the mind. Risk is made up in the mind. That’s just a belief.

You have the power to create and change your beliefs.

You have the power to create and change your reality.

You are what you go looking for.

That’s not a risk. That is real.

Don’t be risky. Be real.

Until next time,


Brody Galletti

I started this blog to share my love of self education and continious evolving. As they say “write the book you want to read, make the movie you want to watch.” I’m writing the blog posts that I want to see that other blogs are not writing about.

I’m also here to share my love of life, learning, adversity, how to be self-critical and self-aware, humility, philosophy, reading and how to become a better human being and artist.

There will be a special focus for young men and men’s mental health. How to be a man, how to navigate the world as a man how to become a better man and how to best serve yourself and others. That’s what were here for. For each other.


Be Delusional


Everything is Energy