Positive Thinking is Toxic and Destroying Your Mental Health

Why do we have more depressed, lonely and anxious people than ever before but we live in the age of most abundance our species has ever lived? And we’re getting more and more abundance. Interesting isn’t it? We have so many opportunities, we can go in countless different directions. Look back at history, not so many people were as lucky as us or even got the freedom to do so. 

So what’s going on? Why isn’t everyone happy, at peace, in harmony with themselves, waking up every day with joy to tackle the day and live out the rest of their lives with meaningfulness and purpose? 

Well… I believe to a point that most people are focusing on the wrong things in the wrong way at the wrong time. Who knows how this came about… but when did Positive Thinking become so toxic and bad for our soul and our spirit?

What happened? Where did we go wrong?

Is it social media's fault? No! 

Stop fucking blaming social media for all of your problems. It’s your choice if you go on there comparing yourselves to others. Blaming social media is just a lack of responsibility and accountability for your own health and well-being. You are in full control of that, it’s not some external fault or problem. There are infinite problems outside of our control, let’s not go blaming something else for what we caused.  

The external world is neutral and it’s so far outside of our control but we latch onto things and get attached and then put the blame on everything else except ourselves. 

The problem isn’t social media, the problem is you. You’re allowing yourself to get affected and be influenced by whatever is making you feel this way. 

The internet, over the past 10+ years, has been bombarded with unrealistic positive expectations. 

Be happier.

Be healthier. 

Be sexier.

Be richer.

Be more envied. 

Have more likes. 

Be more famous.

Be more cool.

Be more admirable.

Be adored.

Be perfect.

And these messages have infected our psyche more and more and more, wanting more! Once we’ve finally reached that goal we’ve been consistently working towards it’s suddenly time for more. What am I lacking? What do I need now?

The internet is infected with positive life advice which is just bullshit and really does nothing for you except a cheap quick dopamine hit of self-belief and then you go chasing that rather than what is actually going to make you happy and bring you peace. 

“Conventional positive life advice, when you think about it… focuses on what you lack. Focusing on what we lack leads to depression.” - Mark Manson 

We’re continuously and endlessly chasing and chasing, hitting checkpoints and the goalpost is always moving further away. It’s like playing Mario and that pole with the flag always keeps getting further and further away and you never reach the castle at the end. You keep hitting checkpoints, but never get where you want to go. 

You give so much of a fuck that you make yourself keep going until you either burn out or have a mental breakdown out of nowhere because your body and brain are finally taking over your mind and telling you to “Stop!”

I’m not saying don’t chase your goals, be relentless in going after what you want, run after your dreams because not enough of us do. Inspiration is key to living a human life, too many people just settle out of fear, but that’s a conversation for another time. 

The reason why the internet wants you to give a fuck is because it’s good for business. They want you to feel a lack in something so you invest in what they have… because apparently what they have to solve your problem will fix everything right? Right?

We take the bait and believe in it all so much.

Giving too many fucks is bad for your mental health. Give less of a fuck and don’t be so overly positive all the time. And you might find yourself at more peace.

Until next time,


Brody Galletti

I started this blog to share my love of self education and continious evolving. As they say “write the book you want to read, make the movie you want to watch.” I’m writing the blog posts that I want to see that other blogs are not writing about.

I’m also here to share my love of life, learning, adversity, how to be self-critical and self-aware, humility, philosophy, reading and how to become a better human being and artist.

There will be a special focus for young men and men’s mental health. How to be a man, how to navigate the world as a man how to become a better man and how to best serve yourself and others. That’s what were here for. For each other.


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