Brody Galletti

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It’s the feeling we all want to feel all of the time. That feeling that makes life more fun, enjoyable, blissful.

The opposite, heavy, makes life feel tough, like a drag, an ache in our back, like a peddle stuck in our shoe. It feels like a burden.

Notice the key word here… feel. We’re not talking about what happens in the game outsidethe physical world (The 3D), we’re talking about what happens in our inner world.

Real reality is our perception of reality which then just turns into reality. Reality is subjective to each individual’s experience.

It’s up to us, it’s our responsibility to have the greatest experience we can have and it starts from within.

The best way to approach life is to go about it with lightness. Life should feel light, not heavy.

The only time when life feels heavy is when we allow external circumstances to influence our internal fortress.

We forget that we have power over our thoughts, how we see the work, how we go about the world, how we choose to live.

We are more powerful than we think.

We can feel lightness all of the time in our lives. It starts with choosing to live like this.

It’s by no means easy, it takes work, a lot of consistent work. The Buddhist monks are still working on this day by night, day in and day out.

All of our problems come from the physical world (The 3D), there is no such thing as a problem in the spiritual world, our inner world (The 4D).

If we can learn to tap into this part of ourselves more. You’ll soon find that the problems you have are just made up, or injected into your brain through programming you didn’t even notice.

99.99% people will think this too Woo Woo, let them. They are not your problem.

YOUUUUUU are your problem, only focus on yourself and your development and you will see the changes. You will discover how much your focus has been bombarded by the programming of society, the news, your upbringing, your environment… all of it.

When you stop, slow down and look within, you will see what you’ve been missing. Peace. And you’ll want it entirely.

This is the work worth doing. This is the work to make your life feel eternal. This is why you’ve been out on this Earth.

As Wayne Dyer said and wrote a book on, There’s A Spiritual Solution to Every Problem

Hint: You are the solution

Take care of yourself,

Until next time,
