Brody Galletti

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It’s Ok To Quit

A lot of people associate quitting with failing. If you quit that means you have given up, you didn’t see things through to the end, you stopped before finishing, you have given up and you’re a loser. 

We have to be careful how we use our language. The way we use words affects our thoughts, feelings, and emotions then impacts the way we view the world and the reality we live in. 

Most people don’t think about language. 

What do you think about when you hear the phrase “Watch your language!” Probably someone who is swearing or has sworn unnecessarily, particularly a kid. But we never link to it using language that is harming our Inner State and our day-to-day life. 

We also associate quitting with being unsuccessful… what if it was the other way around? What if the secret to being successful is quitting? 

Some of the most successful people of all time have attributed their success to how good they were at quitting. 

They weighed up the options, figured out if it was worth it or not to continue and then made a decision from there and never looked back. 

Sometimes the best thing to do is quit. If something is not serving you, why continue it? Why stay in that toxic relationship even if it has been 5+ years, maybe the healthiest thing to do is to quit and move on.

It all comes down to if this thing you’re doing is really going to move the needle towards the life you want. You might find out that it could be the very thing that is holding you back. In that case… QUIT IMMEDIATELY!!!

Quitting can save your life or it can destroy your life. It’s a skill to master like anything else. 

There are several amazing benefits to quitting 

Quitting smoking

Quitting drinking 

Quitting porn

Quitting processed foods 

Quit making excuses 

Quit leaving things to the last minute 

Quit being selfish 

Quit saying yes all the time and set boundaries 

Quitting allows us to put on the brakes for a moment, stop, assess, and commit to a different (and better) direction. 

What is one thing you can quit today that will make your life better?

Until next time,
