It Makes No Sense To Worry

This is what kills us, our dreams, our presence, our actions, our soul. This is what makes us stuck and freeze up. This is what hinders us from taking action and that doubt within us that kills our burning desire.  

Worry kills dreams more than anything ever will. It’s an energy-sucking feeling that takes everything joyful out of the moment. We’ve all been there and I’ve been a worrier myself.

It’s funny when we see people worry about the things in their lives and we tell them not to worry, but when it comes to our own things… our minds are racing, and we can’t stop thinking about it, we never act and just sit their spiralling into an endless bound of worry. 

It’s our ego fighting with us, it wants us to be a victim, it wants us to complain, to give in, to say the world is against us too. And deep down… we get a kick out of it.

You may not think you do… but you do. That little ball inside you called ego wants you to feel sorry for yourself and worry. Don’t give in to it.

The worst thing to do is to just sit around and let it take over you. It’s a mind virus, and there is hope. The best thing… you don’t own this feeling.

What does that mean? Worrying is a mind virus… a negative feeling. It can cause deep depression or it can cause high anxiety. Giving you a yoyo effect of feelings you can’t get control over.

This is extremely dangerous. 

But you are blessed with a choice… to own the negative feeling or not. I choose not to. What do you choose?

Why the f*** would you want to claim it, you’re not the first person to feel this, it’s absurd to claim it as your own. People have been feeling this for thousands of years. 

The feeling of worry does not belong to you, you have the power to get rid of it at a moment's notice. It’s all within.

That’s the big secret… the answer is always within. 

One thing I do to remind myself is to be Processed focused, not outcome-attached. Very powerful lesson to learn and it doesn’t have to take time. You can switch it at a moment’s notice. I can, can you?

We all have the power to change ourselves. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy… but we make that up by being our own best friend. 

Be your own best friend. There is no need to worry. We have everything inside of us to do what we want to do. You are more capable than you think. 

As someone wise once told me… “Not to high, not too low.”

Until next time,



From the audiobook, It’s Never Crowded Along The Extra Mile

“It makes no sense to worry about the things you have no control over, because if you have no control over them… it makes no sense to worry about them. 

It makes no sense to worry about the things you do have control over. Because if you’ve got

control over them… it makes no sense to worry about them. 

There goes everything it’s possible to worry about.”

Brody Galletti

I started this blog to share my love of self education and continious evolving. As they say “write the book you want to read, make the movie you want to watch.” I’m writing the blog posts that I want to see that other blogs are not writing about.

I’m also here to share my love of life, learning, adversity, how to be self-critical and self-aware, humility, philosophy, reading and how to become a better human being and artist.

There will be a special focus for young men and men’s mental health. How to be a man, how to navigate the world as a man how to become a better man and how to best serve yourself and others. That’s what were here for. For each other.



Be Delusional