Brody Galletti

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Is Perception Reality?

What we choose to believe we choose to believe, sometimes never to question, never to ponder, never to consider. Why though? Why do we do this, why do we just accept things sometimes without questioning the validity of it?

My theory is that because it takes effort and we don’t like doing things because it takes effort and energy that we want to use for something else. So we end up just accepting, without even realising it. This can take us down many paths and we won’t see the consequences of it, good or bad until we look back and see where we have travelled. 

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that “perception is reality.” When you see the world from a certain point of view and your brain is convinced that that is the truth, then it becomes the truth. But is it really or is our mind playing tricks on us? Is our notion of the truth off?

Do we actually know what reality is or what it feels like or do we just know what life is like from our own viewpoint and that’s it? And then there is no way to fully experience reality so we just settle for our viewpoint as the main thing. 

Yes everyone experiences the world differently but does that mean perception is reality

Bruce Lee once said…

Reality is “What is”

Perception is “What should be”

And “Too many people are looking at “what is” from a position of thinking “what should be.”

“What is” — is the world in its truest, objective, natural form.

“What should be” — is what we want and how we want the world to bend to our will. 

We’re getting the two mixed up and intertwined, people want everything to go their way.

This can be dangerous. When we get so caught up in our perception that we falsely see the world, it can cause harm to ourselves, our spirit and others. It disrupts our peace.

When you are walking along a footpath and your trip and look like a moron and you see someone walking toward you burst into laughter and now you’re embarrassed for the rest of the day, your mood is down and you think that person is rude. When in reality, that person was actually on the phone with one of their friends and they were being told a really funny story. The timing was just a coincidence, it just “is”. But you didn’t see that this person was on the phone. You were so caught up (haha) in what you were doing that you didn’t see what was going on. Your perception took over and then that became your truth.

When the salesman goes to call a lead and they hang up straight away. The salesman (if he is attached) believes this person to be rude and become angry, when in fact…it was the worst time for the prospect to talk about that, they wanted to talk about it, but they’re in hospital with a loved one and don’t have time to think or talk to anyone else, answering the phone was a knee jerk reaction. 

We need to be careful what we allow our truths to be because they shape our entire lives. One little truth can be the difference and lead to a completely different life. It’s the little things.  

Our minds need to be calm to really see. Stop! And look around, and look inwardly and see if you’re playing tricks on yourself.

“When you do stop inwardly, psychologically, your mind becomes very peaceful, very clear. Then you can really look at ‘this.’” - Bruce Lee - Striking Thoughts

“Reality = The World.

Perception = Our reaction to it.” - Bruce Lee - Striking Thoughts

Until next time,
