Brody Galletti

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Invest in Yourself

Warren Buffett's number one piece of advice is “Invest in yourself.” That’s rich (not an insult) coming from arguably the best investor of all time, and it rings true. Buffett is right. 

The most successful people of all time have not just backed themselves, they’ve invested in themselves. Time, money, energy, attention, they’ve put all these four things into their own sphere of development and they’ve achieved in a single life what thousands will never do.

It can be scary to invest in yourself. Especially when it comes to money, buying courses you don’t know will work, seeing if you actually want to acquire another skill, if it will even be useful or not.

You’re scared of wasting time. I am too. 

It’s a gamble, but what isn’t... Everything is a gamble, life is a gamble. You have to take risks. The biggest risk is to take no risk. 

Ask yourself “What will make me better?” At whatever you are doing. Whether it be self-development, fitness, improving your fashion sense, your dating life or acquiring more skills to earn more money. 

That is a universal question, it works in every situation. Sometimes we have to stop, slow down and ask ourselves a few questions and take a few moments to redirect ourselves. 

Sometimes we have to cut down on what we’re doing or even cut people off. Do better and do more by doing less. Whatever it is there are always areas to invest in bettering ourselves. 

Less of the inessentials, more of the essentials. 

Invest in yourself, stay consistent, and let the compound effect kick in and you’ll get your return 100x over.

Until next time,
