Brody Galletti

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I Don’t Believe in Myself, I Have Evidence

You need to believe in yourself to get started!!! They say. You need to have faith in yourself that you can do the things you do before you start doing them they say. That’s how it goes in the self-empowerment space, people go on to say I believed in myself when no one else did goes the inspirational phrase. Causing a spike in motivation to go do the things you told yourself you’re going to do. This magical sentence has solved all your problems… and when you go to bed that night and wake up the next day and things are still the same. Believing in yourself didn’t work…

Because it’s kinda bullshit. Yes… sometimes it’s useful when you need to get from 0-1, to start the motion and take that first step to get going but it’s not going you help you make that first step to get to 1. And what about 1-100? I think it’s going to take something else to get you there. 

I used to believe in myself, like REALLY believe in myself. Now I don’t as much and I’ve had more speedy progress and accomplishment in my life than I ever have… so far. And how? A lot of successful people don’t believe in themselves and still don’t.

Because it isn’t entirely necessary. 

This is going to get a lot of people upset with this statement but you don’t need to believe in yourself. You need to build evidence and trust in your decision-making and follow through with that decision-making then you see the outcome of what you did and BOOM… you have evidence. Do this enough times and you will see what you’re capable of. 

Why is it that the most successful people over and over and over keep doing great audacious things and you keep hearing about them pulling it off??? Better and bigger every time too…

Because they have the evidence from the past. They know they can do it, they know if things get hard, they’re gonna suck, they wanna quit, it feels too painful… well guess what? They’ve been through it before. They know these emotions where going to come up again, it’s part of the game and you have to learn to love the game. That’s why the heroes we look up to can do what seems like magic again and again and again. 

That evidence they have built has created an identity so strong it seems unbreakable. 

I’ll give you an example of building evidence for yourself… it’s a a painful example. I say the more painful the stronger the evidence. 

Have you ever been through a horrible break-up early on in your life? Once that completely destroyed you, that made you lie in bed for 3+ days crying and sobbing and you didn’t want to leave the house. Yeah, that kind of heartbreak. And did that stop you from going out and finding a decent person and enjoying connection and partnership with? Probably for a certain period of time because you had to heal but not forever right?!

Right! You didn’t let the memory of a bad experience stop you from experiencing the benefits of finding someone else to form a connection and love with. 


Because you got through that heartbreak (the first one is always the worst) and why is the first one always the worst? Because…. we… have… no… evidence… to know how to get through it.

Believing in yourself is not what’s holding you back. Thinking is far less important than actually going and seeing whether you can do the thing or not. You need to build and stack several cases that you can. Go and do the work and create that evidence rather than believing it will happen. Make it happen. 

Start small, begin proving, and go get it.

Until next time,
