Brody Galletti

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Full Ass

You won the championship! Your teammates are celebrating the success, a few are crying, coach is shaking hands with the opposition, some have their heads buried in the grass with disappointment. The vice-captain comes and jumps on your back and now you’re running around together, him shouting, you smiling, but not the most genuine. The crowd is making the stadium go nuts, almost as if an earthquake is about to erupt within the stadium. 

You’re walking around now to take in the scene. You are wandering alone, everything feels like slow-motion. This is really happening. And after a long and hard season, your team comes out on top. Something still feels like it’s missing. 

You’re the last one to step up on the podium, The chairman of the league gifts you the trophy and shakes your hand, “Congratulations” he says firmly. “OooooooooooooAHHHHHHHHHHHHH”, everyone shouts! Confetti is everywhere. The team, staff, and trainers are all together jumping up and down signing “aole aole aole champioooooooooooooone chapmiooooooooooooooone”.  You turn to the camera, straight face and uplift the trophy up, you turn to the fans, again, straight face and lift the trophy as they cheer. 

Champagne is being sprayed now. And then you hand the trophy to your coach, with the straight face you’ve had, look him in the eye and say “I’m sorry I didn’t do better.” You turn around and disappear into the locker rooms. 

Sometimes you aren’t satisfied with your work. You aren’t satisfied with your home life. You aren’t satisfied with your health. You aren’t satisfied with 90% of what you do. Why is that? What could it be? You are doing the things you are meant to do, but, somehow not getting the results you want to.  

You’re half-assing most things you’re doing instead of full-assing it. 

You see, it all comes down to the input you put in which determines the outcome. Sometimes you get lucky, you don’t do your best and still get the results you want. There are exceptions to the rule, but they’re only exceptions. Rarely, they happen often. 

Now Oscar-winning actor Matthew McConaughey was about to go to law school initially instead of film school. He told his dad he wanted to be an actor, his dad said, "Is that really what you want to do?” Matthew answered, “Yeah Dad, it is.” His dad said, "Well, don't half-ass it." From that day forward, Matthew never half-assed it, he full-assed it in the movie business. And now look where he is. 

Anything you want in life, your dreams, aspirations, life goals, yearly, monthly goals, they can all be achieved if you don’t half-ass it. 

I made up the term Full-Ass which means going all in. Go all in on your goals! What have you got to lose? 

Yes you might fail, but you’ll be ahead of the 100% of people who never try. Try and try hard. Try very fucking hard. Be a try hard! Those are there people that achieve the epic shit in life.

Try your fucking ass off! While the rest are too scared to even get started. You don’t want to be those people who knew they could have done better.  That is haunting.

Go all in and all out. Full ass it.

Until next time,
