Brody Galletti

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Body Work

Our bodies are our vessels. They are the same as a car, they demand the right fuel and maintenance so it performs at its greatest ability for the longest time possible. Not enough people are taking care of their bodies and it’s killing them, literally.

I’m not talking in the sense of fitness and nutrition. I’m talking about a different kind of Body Work that 99% of people tend to ignore and completely forget about. The kind of Body Work that peaceful, long-living tranquil people do consistently. One grounded in rest and recovery. 

People don’t do enough of this, not intentionally, they do this as a treat, maybe for their birthday, anniversary or a spur-of-the-moment thing, and they always feel better after doing it, but never follow it up. Humans have forgotten that their mind is connected to their body and their body is connected to their mind so we must work on both so they are in harmony.

There is nothing worse than when your mind is disconnected from your body, bad habits start to increase, mind viruses start to take you over and before you know it you’re so deep in the well of your thoughts you don’t know how to climb out. Some people never climb out of that. 

Our bodies hold so much tension we don’t know how to release it, and sometimes we can’t do it alone to release that tension, and that’s ok. That’s why we can hire people to do the Body Work for us.

Thai Traditional Massage and/or Deep Tissue Sports Massage 

One of my current mentors who has been doing Body Work for years consistently said in a rant,

“There is a direct correlation between pain, stiffness and things we may be holding in our body that will also be outward reflections of our mindset, moods and emotions.”

I can speak from experience that this is 1000% true. 

When I’m working and if I’ve been sitting for too long or on a really bad chair, my hip flexes begin to really tighten which pulls on my deep hamstrings, glutes and lower back then I’m SO distracted and my mood is so off by the discomfort I can’t concentrate and I have to go stretch until it’s loosened up. That takes time, my flow is disrupted, I’m playing catch up now and I feel like shit! Now I’m in a negative state which is difficult to get out from.

It’s interesting how something like this can lead to negative thoughts and spiral into an abyss that DOES NOT serve you in any way shape or form. 

The Body is connected to The Mind. The Mind is connected to The Body. We’ve known this for thousands of years. Why are we not giving our bodies the tension release it needs and deserves?! Because it costs money???

Thinking about the cost of everything all the time is low-conscious thinking but that’s a conversation for another day.

What’s riskier? Letting your body build up all this tension, stiffness and pain until it forces you to shut down or break down on you… or finding the funds to get consistent Body Work done for you so your mind will be clear, you’ll be in a better mood, your emotions won’t be too high or too low and your body will take care of you as long as you take care of it… what’s more risky?

The Body Keeps The Score. 

Listen to it. It’s trying to tell you something.

Until next time,
