Brody Galletti

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The Most Dangerous Movement in the Modern Time

It’s very easy to start a movement in the age of the internet. All someone has to do is put out a few viral tweets, a Tik Tok, or an addictive Instagram feed, gain followers and boom, you’ve got a movement… of some kind. 

Before the internet you needed people to be in the physical presence. Convince them like a salesperson on why they should join, actually that is exactly what you’re doing, selling. And then once you’ve gathered everyone all in one room at a certain place and a certain time, you have to convince them all that they made the right choice. That what they are doing is good! It’s the right thing to do. They were born to be a part of this.

Not all movements are good, especially with the internet at our disposal. Any keyboard warrior can create movement and a damaging one. One that’s caught my eye is The Rise of Lonely, Single Men.

A recent study said that men aged 25-45 are lonelier than ever before. And it’s not getting better. 

With the introduction of dating apps, new relationship standards, skill deficits and other places to seek pleasure i.e. pornography, it's no wonder that loneliness is on the rise. 

Mental health and suicide were already bad enough in young and middle-aged men. And with the increasing feelings and reality of loneliness and an absence of romantic relationships, it’ll get worse. 

This is the kind of movement I’m talking about, one that is seriously dangerous to all of us. This isn’t affecting men but also affecting women, families and friendships. It’s a ripple effect. 

I believe what’s caused the majority of this damage is social media and I do view dating apps as a form of unhealthy social media such as with Tik Tok and Instagram.  With everyone flashing their flashy lives, telling you 

“You need to be like this and this….

And look like this….

And dress like this….

And talk like this…. 

And think like this…. to be successful.” 

We’ve heard it before. And ‘gurus’ with a course with this material will charge you $1999, and the rest, for access. 

There is a lot of noise out there and young men are getting caught up in it. The internet has done a disservice to young men and their mental health. So what’s going to happen now? We’re getting deeper and deeper into a digital world with VR (Virtual Reality) on the rise. Who knows, it’s worth saying that men have an important part in this movement. To stop it from growing and spreading. 

There is always accountability; it’s one of the best things to make a chance outside and inside yourself. It’s up to young men to make the change. To break the generational trauma and provide a positive change of transformation for generations to come. 

It’s going to take a lot of commitment, to our mental health, physical health and spiritual health. We need to make this kind of commitment to ourselves and others, to the kind of love we want to create in this world. It will only work if we go all in and do our part.

Will you step up?

Until next time,



Some further reading: