Brody Galletti

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Better Together

The African proverb states If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together. It is grounded in such truth that we probably have seen countless examples in our lives. When we try to do EVERYTHING on our own, it works for a little while, we think we don’t need anyone, we think we don’t need help, we think we are the bomb. 

I’ve got it all figured out…” I can cruise on this mode forever. Until you start to feel burned out and lonely and resent what you have to do and then you feel like you have to take two or three months off to just get back to the healthy feeling you felt in the beginning. You went fast and went kinnnnnnd of far, but you didn’t go as far as you set out to. Now you’re crushed, you feel like shit and a failure. 

I bet you see a lot of people who think they’re invisible, that they can change the world on their own. Kind of true. It starts with them and then you have to build and when you build you need a team around you to help you build. You don’t have to be disconnected from the world. 

You need to find The Others. The Others are like you, only their skill set in something a little more niche than you and they can do it better than anyone else, even you. And you need them around because they are the best person for the job and vice versa. No one can do what they do and no one can do what you do. 

We are all unique, there is never going to be anyone like you, again! Your DNA proves this!

All of us are born unique. This uniqueness is marked genetically in our DNA. We are a one-time phenomenon in the Universe — our exact genetic makeup has never occurred before nor will it ever be repeated. - Robert Greene

Our best work happens when it is collaborative not combative or competitive. Be here to create win-win-win situations for everybody, all around!

When you start to become the best and branch out and collaborate with the best people you can find. Your Top 5, watch your life skyrocket into new heights you never knew existed, that your brain couldn’t comprehend. 

Don’t leave it all to chance.

What’s risker??? Hoping and praying your goals, hopes and dreams will just fall on your lap and become a reality… or finding the help you need to get to where you want to go helping others along the way? Which is more risky? Are you willing to treat your goals like that?

You don’t have to do anything. I won’t lose sleep over it. It’s your life and your desires. How are you going to go about getting them?

Along or together?

Vinh Giang said, Where will you NOT be in the future if e don’t have the right top 5 people in your life now? Professional Top 5. Personal Top 5. Choose wisely, DO NOT leave this to chance.

Find your top 5 and be in their top 5. Build each other up. Change the world together.

Because it’s better to be better together than better alone.

Until next time,
